Huawei has launched its Mate XT Ultimate Design, the world’s first tri-fold smartphone, with a price that surpasses even the 16-inch MacBook Pro. The starting cost for the phone in China is 19,999 yuan (around $2,800 USD) for the base 256GB version, making it about $300 more expensive than Apple’s MacBook Pro, which begins at $2,499. The price increases for higher storage options, with the 512GB model priced at $3,089, and the 1TB version reaching $3,370.
The Mate XT’s standout feature is its innovative tri-fold design, which unfolds into a 10.2-inch OLED display. It also includes a 5,600mAh battery with fast charging capabilities and a versatile triple-camera setup. Despite its steep price, Huawei’s new device has garnered significant attention, with millions of pre-orders placed before pricing was even announced.